Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
Romans 12:2
Forming a Catholic Identity
Nothing is more important to us at Holy Family Academy than teaching children to know, love, and serve God. Our hope is that students feel this from the moment they step into the academy.
Our community gathers for either prayer or Mass every morning. Students and teachers commit each day to the glory of God through a morning offering.
Students are best taught to lift their voices in worship through music instruction, and our classical curriculum allows teachers to easily incorporate faith into every lesson.
Conduct "rules" are based on demonstrating the love of Christ to others in every situation.
Holy Family Academy's environment is inspiring, abounding with sacred and classically beautiful artwork.
We study the saints and accompanying virtues and look forward to monthly liturgical celebrations.
We pray for the wider Memphis community and engage in age-appropriate service projects and evangelization.
Liturgical Life at Holy Family Academy
Prayer (e.g., morning offering, Angelus, meal blessing)
Scripture-based memory work
Singing in worship
Joy-filled discussions about our faith
Fellowship with Catholic/Christian community
Music instruction
Saint/virtue study and activity
Optional gatherings for parents before afternoon pick-up
Festive liturgical celebrations (e.g., Feast of the Archangels, All Saints, St. Valentine's, May Crowning)
Reverent observance of Advent and Lenten seasons
Service projects
Parent nights
Annual "Mother's Day" and "Father's Day" parties, held on our patrons' feast days
Holy Family Academy's yearly calendar reflects the liturgical calendar. For example, students have the 12 days of Christmas and Easter octave off to encourage maximum celebration of these seasons.
Learn more here.